The Night Watch


90min BBC film, BBC2. NOW out on AMAZON PRIME


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Adapted from Sarah Water’s best selling novel by award winning writer Paula Milne


Described by the director as ‘an emotional thriller’, the story is told in reverse, starting in 1947. We are Introduced to four young Londoners who seem haunted by their past, before winding back to 1944 and then finally 1941 to reveal what dramatic events they have experienced. We eventually discover how their lives became intertwined through love and loss whilst surviving the Blitz.


Director: Richard Laxton


Producer: Annie Tricklebank


Cast: Clare Foy, Jodie Whittaker, Anna Maxwell Martin, Harry Treadaway and Kenneth Cranham


Screened at NFT1 to sell-out audience during BFI’s LLGF Festival


Recorded at Air Studiosa